
مجلس الإدارة ذات الصلة

دعوة ونماذج الجمعية العامة العادية:

Sl NoContentPosted DateDownload
2ASCANA_ List of Candidates for Membership on the BOD16/05/2023 Download
3AGM Invitation-English26/04/2023 Download
4AGM Invitation-Arabic26/04/2023 Download
5Proxy Form - English26/04/2023 Download
6Proxy Form - Arabic26/04/2023 Download
7BODNP - English26/04/2023 Download
8BODNP - Arabic26/04/2023 Download
9ASCANA_Board of Directors Nomination Form26/04/2023 Download
10AGM Invitation15/03/2022 Download
11Proxy Form15/03/2022 Download

اجتماعات مجلس الإدارة:

Sl NoContentPosted DateDownload
1Board of Directors Meeting 202208/11/2022 Download
2Board of Directors Meeting 202203/08/2022 Download
3Board of Directors Meeting 202211/05/2022 Download
4Board of Directors Meeting 202214/04/2022 Download
5Board of Directors Meeting 202203/03/2022 Download
6Board of Directors Meeting 202102/03/2021 Download
7Board of Directors Meeting 202011/03/2020 Download
8Board of Directors Meeting 202011/03/2020 Download
9Board of Directors Meeting 201926/02/2019 Download
10Board of Directors Meeting 201829/10/2018 Download
11Board of Directors Meeting 201805/08/2018 Download
12Board of Directors Meeting 201812/02/2018 Download
13Board of Directors Meeting 201808/02/2018 Download

قرارات الجمعية العمومية:

Sl NoContentPoste DateDownload
1Resolutions of AGM 202214/04/2022 Download
2Resolutions of AGM 202107/04/2021 Download
3Resolutions of AGM 202012/04/2020 Download
4Resolutions of AGM 201915/04/2019 Download
5Resolutions of AGM 201810/04/2018 Download
6Resolutions of AGM 201711/04/2017 Download
7Resolutions of AGM 201621/03/2016 Download

للمزيد من المعلومات:

الرجاء التواصل
السيدة ربيعة حناشي
مسؤول علاقات المستثمرين
رقم الاتصال.
+971 (0)4 282 4403
+971 (0) 4282 5585 تحويلة. 165
فاكس رقم.
+971 (0)4 282 5586
بريد إلكتروني: rabiaa.h@ascanatakaful.ae

نحن منفتحون

الأحد – الخميس 8 صباحا حتى 4 مساءا